Journal Volume 7 2013

The de Valeras in Greystones (continued/1)


Piaras Beaslai, ‘Michael Collins: chapters from his life’, Cork Examiner, 24 August 1926

It was characteristic of Collins that he found time, amid his multifarious activities, and the stress and danger of his life from day to day, to visit Greystones regularly, and keep De Valera informed of the welfare of his wife and family. It was a risky action, as the house was liable to be watched, and visitors to a small seaside town during the winter were likely to attract attention.


The de Valera family

The de Valera family


Aberdeen Journal, 3 January 1921

Is de Valera in Ireland?

Thorough search

… In Ireland the question of the moment is – “Where is Mr de Valera?” … There was still no information in Dublin as to the reported return to Ireland of Mr de Valera. The military who boarded the American cargo steamer Portia on its arrival on Friday morning, the day on which Mr de Valera was said to have landed, are still mounting guard over the vessel at North Wall … Mrs de Valera, interviewed at her home at Greystones, a quiet little seaside resort near Kingstown, merely smiled, and as the interviewer, in his eagerness, proceeded to question her, she laughingly declined to make any statement.

Eamon de Valera in the early 1920s


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