Journal Volume 1 1992

Chairman's Report - March, 1991 (continued/1)

Again, it is with our third aim that I feel we have had most success. This is to actively promote interest in, and an awareness of, our archaeological/historical heritage in general, and to liaise with all relevant representative groups to further this aim. This has been achieved by organising walks, lectures, coach tours and the Primary Schools competition.

Last Spring, in one of our most successful tours, we went by coach to the Boyne Valley and visited Newgrange, Monasterboice, Mellifont and Tara.

In the Autumn, we had a series of tours around Co. Wicklow, visiting neolithic sites on the first, Bronze Age sites on the second and Iron Age sites on the third. These tours were very successful and those who took part reported a great sense of satisfaction and enjoyment with them.

Last month we visited the National Museum and viewed some of the treasures on display there.

In May we hosted the Spring Seminar of the Federation of Local History Societies, for which the theme was the Emergency 1939-45. Because of the lack of a suitable venue in Greystones we were forced to hold this event in Bray and I feel that this detracted somewhat from the impact which could have been achieved had a suitable local venue been available.

We had a lecture by Mr. Eoghan O'Regan on the Life of Cardinal Newman, in November, followed in January by an illustrated talk on the history of Greystones by Mr. Seamus O Saothrai, to which I have already referred.

Our Christmas walk was to Ballygannon and Ballynerrin and, even though we had done this walk 21 months earlier, we still managed to add to our local knowledge and enjoy ourselves.

Our most recent event, which was the visit to Altidore Castle, was a rare opportunity to see this historic building, with its tapestries, pictures and papers, and complemented our visit to Kilruddery House last July when Mr. Peter Aspel gave us an informed guided tour.

As the Constitution requires that a new Chairman be elected by the Committee at its next meeting, I would like to express how much I have enjoyed these past two years and to wish my successor the best of luck, and offer my full support.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the members for their support over the last year, and I would especially like to thank the officers of the Society: Jim Brennan, Vice-Chairman, Ann Sheeran, Hon. Treasurer, Aileen Short, Hon. Secretary, and committee members Joan Jones, Pat Brennan and Sean Daly, who have worked so hard to organise the events which make this Society a success, and our Hon. Auditor, Mr. Michael Toolan.

Patrick Neary, Chairman


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